Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Let Go Your Past Love, Refresh Your Future

Let Go Your Past Love, Refresh Your Future

If you are married to your first love you are probably one in a million.
Most of us have a long love story, decorated with lovely moments and littered with painful memories. Many have tasted the pain of being ‘dumped’ as well as inflicted the same pain on people we loved.
However ‘amicably’ you broke up losing a relationship that looked perfect can really bring you down. At one point one feels sad to have lost someone we really loved while on the other hand we experience the pain of betrayal especially if they ended the relationship or cheated on us.
However no matter how good he/she was we must learn to get over them, lest this past come to haunt our future. There are many single people today who are single because they are still looking for a look alike of their perfect ex. The reality is that there will be none like him/her. However there are many good people out there if only we cared to look beyond the veil of our past only that they are different.
Failure to get over your perfect boy/girlfriend could haunt your marriage later. Most marital affairs are by former boy/girlfriends. Since you had a connection rekindling the love is easy, all you need is an opportunity and the willingness to let your guard down.
A trend of failed relationships can make us give up on ever finding true love. Some people develop a trust resistant syndrome and own statements like, “all men are dogs,” or “all women are just after material things.” These generalizations have a way of crowding our judgment if we hold onto them. We tend to always interpret the world around us with the lenses of these generalizations.
Women who always think no man can be trusted tend to end up with men who cheat on them. This is because we get so obsessed with possible unfaithfulness that we push those we love to it. Secondly you never get to enjoy love since you are always on guard that he/she will do this or that.
Breakups always leave a foul taste in our mouth and if you have experienced it more than one the pain can at times get ahead of you. What is important however is that out of the experiences we can learn great lessons.  The experiences make us better people and more armed to face the future.
Just like the person who had a memorable relationship, those who fail to overcome the nightmare of a sore love live in the shadow of their past.
Whether we had a good or bad experience we must get up from it and focus on the future. All men are not like your cheating or violent ex boyfriend. All women on the other hand are not like your gold digger or controlling ex girlfriend.
There are good men and women out there but if we remain chained to our past we are never able to love them as we should and receive their genuine love. We must break from the chains of our past love and build a new future and make it better using the lessons we have learnt.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Money Power Church

Let me say that am not against the church being wealth. Now with that one out of the way, I can now ask the question.

Just the other day I had an Apostle say that it is time the church get wealth so that they may be heard. That without wealth, the church can never be heard by the politician nor neither the nation. I say, a true servant of God doesn't need money to be heard, for he his the mouth piece of the Lord, AND THE LORD WILL MAKE HIM TO BE HEARD AND HE WILL DIRECT HIS STEPS.

Allow me to note some few points.

In the early days of the church, the servants of the Lord were beaten to stay quiet. nowadays they are paid to speak.

The servants of the Lord would say something and it would happen. Neither had money. nowadays they got money and when they speak, nobody listens.

A servant of the Lord would speak and his words would change the course of a nation or the ways of the King. Nowadays it takes the hand of God for the Bishops, Apostles, Pastors to even get a hearing by a minister, and a miracle for them to be listened by a president.

The Lord Jesus Christ never changed the World by money, but the words of his mouth, which were words that God His father had given Him. They call themselves servants of the most high, and yet most seek to enrich themselves.

When servants of the Lord claims that what the church needs is wealth instead of the Holy Spirit my heart trembles at just hearing that.

The power of the church does not come from being wealthy, because the day the Church will say it is now wealth enough to do some thing that it has always said it doesn't do because of lack of money, that will be the day the Church will stop trusting God simply because they are now able.

We need God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ more than anything else, more than wealth or any thing else.

May the Lord Bless you richly.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Place of Previous Defeat

Joshua 8: 18 The LORD said to Joshua, "Point the dagger in your hand toward Ai, because I will give it into your power." So Joshua pointed the dagger in his hand toward the city. 19 The ambush quickly rose from its place. As soon as he reached out his hand, it charged. They entered the city and captured it. They set the city on fire at once.
The City of AI, was a place that time and again Joshua had tried to take it down but was always defeated. Joshua had been advised previously that a few men could take up the city, but when the time came real action, they were defeated badly. The enemies knew that Joshua had no hope cause again and again AI army had defeated them. And also Joshua knew that not once had he been defeated by AI.
As we live, we come to know that life is a kind of war, and we make some series of mistakes here and there, sometimes we underestimate our enemies when we sit down and take a look at previous victories. The children of Israel remembered the walls of Jericho and how they came crashing down at the sound of trumpets.
What is AI compared to Jericho. God was on their side.  No, wait – the Captain of the Lord’s Host said he was on God’s side. So victory was theirs.
How times have you gone through life battles and you come out defeated. Banking on previous victory. Pumping up pride and letting arrogance bride you. I always say the most time a Christian needs to be careful, it is when he has tasted victory.
For the children of Isreal, the answer is found in : Jos 7:1  But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban, for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, from the tribe of Judah, took some of the things under the ban, therefore the anger of the LORD burned against the sons of Israel
Lets take a look at this statement: But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban.....
Jos 6:18-19 "But as for you, only keep yourselves from the things under the ban, so that you do not covet them and take some of the things under the ban, and make the camp of Israel accursed and bring trouble on it.  (19)  "But all the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron are holy to the LORD; they shall go into the treasury of the LORD."
Things Under the BAN.............
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Articles of Iron
  • Articles of Bronze
This things had been dedicated to the Lord and ........................

Monday, June 16, 2014

Light and Understanding

Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.

The knowledge of the things of the world gives out the light of the world, but the knowledge and understanding the word of the Lord gives Light of the Kingdom of God, who is also the creator of this world. By understanding the word of our Lord leads to understanding and emitting light to the world. for he says....

It was said that the true light was coming to the world

John 1:9
The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world

And it did come through the son of God. Jesus Christ.

John. 8:12 Jesus says, "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."

When you look at something in the dark, it does not look so bad. Even ideas, businesses and plans of mankind when looked from world view, one cannot be able to get a clearer picture, but subject them to the word of the Lord and everything that's was hidden will be shown. Light removes darkness. Reveals danger. Shows path. These things are expected on Christian influence in the world. Making decisions in the dark can lead to some regrettable consequences. And when we follow Christ and listens to him, the we shall not walk in darkness, we shall be able to be leaders cause everything we do, will be subjected to the scrutiny by the word of the Lord

For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.  1 Thessalonians 5:5

And as light shown, we should not forget that the understanding of God`s word brings light unto a person life. But how can one understand the word of God if he does not follow Jesus, and how can one follow Christ if he/she is not saved. You need to get saved.

Call upon the name of the and you shall be saved.

Makings of A Mighty Man of Valor

Soldiers when they trained, they were challenged to prove who had, “The Right Stuff.” Who had the right stuff to represent the country in it’s expedition, it’s mission to accomplish this duty?  I submit to you tonight that in order for us believers to accomplish the duty and mission, God has placed before us; in order for us to be effective in His service, we must possess the right stuff.

In perusing, examining and inspecting this passage I could not help but notice through the example of Gideon a few things God looks for in us to do His will. 


I.                    GOD CAN USE ANYBODY

There are some people who think they know everything, I mean they believe they know who should be where and who is or isn’t worthy to be.  I submit to you this morning that God can use whom ever he pleases.  It’s not your decision it’s the Lords will.  It upsets me people fail to acknowledge others because of their past and look at their present and deem them as being unworthy to be partakers of the will of God.  I submit to you today that if that were the case none of us would be able to work for the Lord!  Look God can use anybody!

a.        The Bible is filled with murderers, robbers, liars who wrote books in the bible and represented God.

b.       Moses-Murderer

c.        Peter-Liar

d.       David-Adulterer, and murderer

e.        Paul-Murdered

f.         Noah-drank

g.        Abraham-lied

h.       God viewed Gideon’s Potential, not his past nor his present

i.         Gideon the idol worshipper

j.         His daddy was the high Priest of Baal

k.        Baal was in his daddy’s backyard

l.         God was able to use the son of an idol worshipper


II.                  He HAD THE RIGHT ATTITUDE

a.        He was humble Vv. 15

b.       He was prayerful



III.               HE WAS A MAN OF ACTION 

a.        Moved at Gods command

b.      Jesus was a man of action