(Backtrack some years back when Heart was attacked by heavily armed agents of Terror)
Mr. Mouth,the official spokesman of Heart arrives,visibly shaken,and in a state of utter panic,"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press,As you might have heard,today is a very sad day when some agents of terror disguised as love and affection attacked and took control of the Mall inside our beloved heart.I cannot divulge alot of information but our gallant forces are already inside fighting hard to neutralize these agents of destruction.These terroists,took advantage of our generosity and ganged up with other known criminals lincluding false glossy smiles,Pop out cleavages,Catwalk hip gyrates,Slimmy touch off lingerie,nerve wrecking streapteases to hijack key areas of our beloved Heart Mall.As of now,we have arrested key suspects who are sharing vital information. We have been informed that some of our people near the ear street,Stomach Mansions,Left aorta drive and Loins way might have been compromised by these enemies but i have been told that Mr Quick Mind-our counter terrorist chief is deeply undercover trying to neutralize any more potential threat.We shall keep you informed on any developments soon.
In the Afternoon, a full media briefing attended by top the war council and addressed by mr. Left slow Mind Mind.."Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.As you can all see,we are all here to show a unity of purpose after the events of earlier today that have made us One!
From now on,all security briefings will be done by myself and Madam Red eyes to my left will assist on anything i may miss out...Our interior defence agents have taken over operations to neutralize these terrorists.We have been able to establish that this is a group of internationally wanted criminals including Beauty,Brains,Bitch,Seductive,Flossy and Drunk.They have in the past blown up Many Hearts in Las Vegas,California,Paris,El savador,Hawaii,Caine and Barbados...where they mainly target big,wealthy hearts and rip them apart causing untold suffering.Our intelligence have pierced together how this group cmpromised some of our people,and even rented some space near the Heart Aorta from where they planned their evil schemes.We have information that some staff working for mouth,throat and stomach corporations were deeply compromised and relayed vital secrets!
We are also conducting DNA tests on some of the specimen collected from suspects who were intercepted as they crossed the border to our volatile neighbour Toilet , Latrine and urinal Republic.Earlier reports that our chief counter terrorist agent Mr. Dick Throb might have been held hostage by the terrorists is false and we can proudly confirm that Dick is indeed undercover,waiting for the appropiriate time to strike.Thank you ladies and gentlemen..i will now invite a few questions ..
"Good afternoon Sir,i am early from Amuse news..is it true that Beauty,a known terror agent has been living in one of the mansions owned by mr Heart himself?..
Can you reporters ask relevant questions?..thunders Eyes,This is a very sensitive matter..!!
"Thank you sir,another question..is it true that Bitch was driving a heart reigistered vehicle,and that Seductive has been known to spend quality time with both Mouth and Mind at reclusive hotels?...The war council is now shaking in rage,roaring obscenities and threatening the journalists..Excuse me Sir,is it in order to say that these terrorists have kidnapped the Whole Heart mall?
One defiant reporter from Bedroom news inc ..throws the final jab.."sir is it true that Mr. Dicks is keping some water jet propelled missile for use when he meets the terrorists or did Flossy and Bitch drain all the waters in the tunnel as they escaped with him as hostage??..
The War council,unable to contain the barrage from journalists calls for evacuation by special forces.The media briefing is indefinitely adjourned as journalists find themselves in cuffs inside some silhoutte dark cells inside the soul centre ..!!
This battle, many have fought,not heard of any winners..mostly ends with hostages under captivity.Third briefing ..to be continued

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